Progress of activities
Preparatory actions, elaboration of management plans and/or of action plans
A.1 Administrative preparation for project development and drawing up of partner agreements
Activity concluded with the signing of the agreements between the Beneficiary Coordinator and Beneficiaries Associates, and among the beneficiaries and partners indicated by the project such as the University of Siena and Milan.
A.2 Setting up a Coordination Commitee to develop the network of conservation activities for the Apennine Chamois
The realization of this action has included two activities aimed at a coordinated management of the different nuclei of Apennine chamois through the creation of:
a Coordination Committee, established on 4 November 2010, and composed of representatives of the project partners, the scientific supervisor (UNISI), the project manager and representatives of ISPRA and MATTM; is open to representatives of other bodies and institutions gradually identified on the basis of the issues addressed.
The Coordination Committee has continued the activities thanks to Action D1
a common database on the species in which are collected all the data in the various parks, as a support to the identification of coordinated management measures. It is currently available from the project site to the technicians of Protected Areas with a password, even with the creation of a section open to users after an access request.
The next 3 preparatory actions (A3, A4 and A5) have been one of the focal points of the project as it:
were preparatory to the implementation of the catch in the wild in the PNM and PNGSL foreseen by Action C1 - which began in July 2011 - to carry out the releases in the PNMS (Action C4) and PRSV (Action C5), while ensuring a sustainable capturing on shoals source;
are closely interconnected with each other, in fact:
The Action A3 has foreseen the drafting of a protocol that identifies the characteristics of the subjects and of the nuclei that can be considered suitable for capturing on nature and subsequent release in PNMS and PRSV, without creating criticality in the nuclei of capturing
A first product of the Action A4 was instead the drafting of a protocol on how to catch (teleanestesia and mechanical methods) to be used in the project for catches of Apennine chamois.
From these indications, the activities provided by Action A5 have led to the identification of the herds on which to perform the capturing either, according to the appropriate logistical conditions, of the areas in which to operate the catches with the different systems.
The remaining activities of the Action A4 have planned (on the basis of the protocol developed in this action) the capture, marking and releasing on the spot of 7 subjects in the PNM and PNGSL served as control support of the herds in the areas identified as suitable for catches in the Action A5, to ensure that the removal of the animals was not negative for the nuclei, object of the levy. In addition there are other seven catches in PNALM but functional to multidisciplinary analysis planned by Action C2 to define the causes of the critical issues in this population.
A.3 Definition of the assessment procedures for the suitability of the specimen selection of the nuclei
According to the project, was drafted by the technicians of PNM and PNGSL, in collaboration with UNISI, the operational document that identifies the characteristics of the subjects and of the nuclei to be considered as suitable for the levy on nature and subsequent release in PNMS and PRSV as provided by 'Action C1, without creating criticality in the nuclei of levy.
A.4 Drawing up the protocol for the capture and adaptatation to new specimen selection areas
This action has provided:
tuning of the procedure of the captures, for use in nature and drafting of the Protocol on the basis of which to proceed to the realization of experimental catches.
It was made a second version (1.2) of the specific protocol on the basis of the authorizations received from ISPRA and MATTM and also for the use of box traps.
realization of the catches of 7 chamois to release on the spot (2 with radio collar and 5 with ear tags) in each of the three areas (PNALM, PNM and PNGSL).
In the PNALM the 7 expected catch (5 males and 2 females) were realized by means of teleanestesia (self-injecting syringe containing the narcotic launched via an air gun), a technique already used in PNALM for catches of chamois.
In the PNM were captured by teleanestesia 5 individuals (2 males and 3 females), while in PNGSL were captured by box trap 4 individuals (2 males and 2 females).
The different subjects have been rendered individually recognizable by ear tags and were all equipped with satellite radio collar and / or VHF except for 3 individuals than 1 year (1 male and 2 females) captured in PNGSL, and a 3-year female captured in the PNM
It was considered extremely important to continue this activity under Action C1, in fact the presence of marked animals and fitted with collar has facilitated and made more efficient the monitoring planned in Action C1, continuation of the A5.
A.5 Individuating nuclei and sreas for the capture of Apennine Chamois
This action was conducted in the PNM and PNGSL on the basis of protocols implemented in the Actions A3 (Rating nuclei for the levy in nature) and A4 (Procedures of capture) and on the basis of a specific protocol, not expected in the project but nevertheless made by the technicians of parks. The action was focused on the identification of the shoals which take the sample and, based on the presence of these and appropriate logistical conditions, even of the areas in which to operate the catches.
The field activities aimed at interface the data of the presence of the different herds of chamois with the instructions contained in the Protocol made in Action A3, have allowed us to identify the nuclei potentially suitable for collection and transfer to form new colonies. Furthermore within the areas frequented by these have been identified areas suitable from a logistical standpoint - topography of the area occupied by the nuclei and time to reach it - for carry out the catches for the purpose of transfer through teleanestesia or placement of mechanical systems of capture.
A.6 Training course for park employees for the capture procedures and methods confirmed on other Chamois sub-species
Thanks to exchange of experience with the staff of the Regional Park Pale di San Martino, Alpi Marittine Park, Univ. Of Turin - CERIGEFAS and Servei d'Ecopatologia de Fauna Salvatge (Sefas), Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona and related interships carried out at some of these subjects and in the project area, it was possible to orient themselves on three specific capture techniques, alternatives to teleanestesia:
box trap: natural gorges closed with wooden structures covered with the network, and equipped with a snap door;
up-net: a series of perimeter poles with snap mechanism that raises a network that closes the chamois present within the area;
networks to fall: networks that are dropped above the chamois, trapping them.
A.7 Updating and implementing the study designes for the non-invasive introduction of animals into he Regional Park of Sirente Velinio
On the basis of guidelines of the IUCN Guidelines for Re-Introduction, the technicians of the Park, in collaboration with researchers from UNISI, have created a new fitness study for the Sirente-Velino area to maximize the success of the release expected from the project, through the realization of:
Suitability plan that identified areas for the species in addition to those which make the releases; for these, as well as an ecological analysis, were considered the limiting factors present, identifying mitigation measures. Aspects relating the Human dimension were analyzed by the use of questionnaires submitted to the local population and to the visitors.
Release program containing the necessary information for release activities and their timing, functional to the establishment of a new vital colony in the long term through the achievement of the Minimum Vitale Population.
Based on these documents, the PRSV has produced a specific intervention program containing all the measures and procedures for their implementation, which was sent to ISPRA for the necessary permits to the start of operations planned release (Action C5). After sending out the document, shared between all the project partners and UNISI, on 23.07.2012 the PRSV has received a favorable opinion being issued by ISPRA. On 06/08/2012 MATTM accepted the opinion ISPRA and, by law, has asked the Abruzzo Region to express opinion on the basis of that of ISPRA. The positive opinion of the Region arrived on 8 October 2012. At the same time the PRSV has proceeded to the subscription of agreements with six different organizations (CFS, Municipalities of Secinaro, Gagliano Aterno, Celano, Ovindoli and Rocca di Mezzo) territorially competent, for the establishment of a specific area of protection of chamois around the release site on Mount Sirente. Finally, from the month of July 2013, the first releases with the founding act of the new colony (Action C5).
A.8 Feasibility plan for the expansion of the distribution in the PNM
Not recognized by the EC and then eliminated from the project
A.9 Elaboration of executive projects for the adaptation of the wildlife areas
Not recognized by the EC and then eliminated from the project
A.10 Protocol for the management of the chamois nuclei in captivity
It was realized the specific protocol that has represented the basic standard followed by all the partners in the program of coordinated management of captive breeding, depending both on the well-being of individuals hosted, which to have animals suitable for release into the wild.
A.11 Agreement between the Monti Sibillini National Park, Sirente Velino Regional Park and Entities donating specimens for reintroduction
Were subscribed agreements between Entities donors (PNM and PNGSL) and Entities receivers (PNMS and PRSV) within the two programs translocation.
A.12 Census of zin livestoc an evluation oei state of health ine Abruzzo, Latium and Molise Natonal Park and in pottially suabl areas for chamoiii inthe Sirente Velino Regional Park
It was made the census of farms gravitating in the chamois area (potential for PRSV) through audits, in grazing areas, of the consistency of the heads of farm livestock, livestock distribution compared to grazing areas assigned and health status of livestock. This allowed to implement the necessary programming of management interventions and prevention, to prevent the potential transfer of diseases that can affect the population dynamics of the nuclei of chamois.
Purchase/lease of land and/or compensation payments for use righs
Activities not foreseen in the project
Concrete conservation actions
C.1 The capture and relocation of nuclei from the Majella and Gran Sasso for the new colonies
From the findings by Action A5 were identified suitable shoals upon which have been concentrated catches.
These catches have played an important added value for the project: all individuals captured were subjected to a rigorous health screening that allowed both to get a picture on the health situation of the nuclei of Majella and Gran Sasso, currently missing, than to act from "control parameter" within the population of PNALM to better understand the critical factors present in that nucleus.
The subjects considered fit for release, such as gender and age group, were transferred in PNMS or PRSV, while non-target ones released on site and monitored so as continue the control of the nuclei in object, in the manner provided in the project.
From July 2012, in the PNM were captured five animals in total, 4 of which are transferred to PNMS, to which is added 1 individual released on site as it not fit for the transfer. The day 09/08/2012 4 females were captured near the up net the site of the Murelle Amphitheatre: 2 female 2 year old and a 4 year old have been fitted with GPS collar and ear tags, and were transferred by helicopter in PNMS because target females; while one, 5-6 years old was issued on site after he was also fitted with a GPS collar and ear tag, with the aim to facilitate the monitoring post-removal of the group of belonging. 29/08/2012: has been captured a female 2 year old at the cave box trap (placed, once again, Murelle Amphitheatre), also in this case an animal therefore particularly suitable to be transferred. The animal was then fitted with a GPS collar and ear tag and was transferred by helicopter to PNMS.
In PNGSL, on 27 March 2012, was captured a female of two years inside the box trap placed in Monte Coppe, in addition to three catches of young already made under Action A4.
Catches in nature, realized, allowed to reach and exceed the goal of the release of four individuals in the PRSV, being 7 females released from 17/07/2013. To these, add 2 males released in September from the Faunistic Area of Farindola, and other 2 males present in the Faunistic Area of Bolognola released in the following weeks. Similarly in the PNMS, with the release of six chamois from nature (2 females and 1 male from PNGSL; 3 females from PNM) has been reached MVP (30 individuals released) as required by the project.
Locating of target Animals and pre-capture control:
Were made in total 134 monitoring outputs (provided by the project: 96) of which 47 were made in the period between 09/01/2012 and 31/05/2013, and 87 in the period from 01/06/2013 to 31/08/2013. 72% (No. 97) of the monitoring outputs had as its object the nucleus identified as suitable for withdrawals and the remaining 28% (37) had as its object the herds for which verify the characteristics in order to re-examine the suitability . None of these was found to possess characteristics that can be considered appropriate, therefore, in this regard, remains valid as reported in the Protocol produced under Action A3. During the monitoring outputs of the shoals in the wintering areas, was generally detected only a small presence of the chamois. This situation, determined by unfavorable snow conditions that characterized the winter 2012-2013, led to the decision not to make any attempt to capture in the winter-spring areas. Starting from the first half of July were taken up at the monitoring activities in the summer capture areas, to coincide with the arrival of the first groups of chamois. Through observation of shoals and marked animals, the telemetric monitoring of individuals and monitoring of capture sites (visual and through the trap video), it was possible to confirm the suitability of the levy of the Murelle Amphitheatre and Cima Murelle, and better plan the conduct of the catch.
From 1 September 2012 to August 31, 2013 the pre-capture monitoring was conducted both by direct observation of shoals who attended the two areas chosen for capture operations (Monte Camicia-Coppe and Monte Prena-Santa Colomba), both with indirect monitoring (camera trapping). For the monitor by direct observation of the nucleuses, were performed a total of 145 days of work in the field of which 55 outputs during autumn 2012, 11 in winter, 44 in spring and 35 until August 31. In addition about 50 days have been employed for the maintenance of the structures of capture and the acquisition of the video material. The target nucleuses were contacted 34 times respectively (herd in the Monte Prena) and 65 times (Monte Coppe-Camicia area). Animals tagged and released in the Monte Camicia-Coppe between 2011 and 2013 were contacted, for direct observation, of a total of 28 times.
Realization of the catches:
During the reference period of the last update, were activated the same capture sites already used in 2011 and 2012. As a precautionary measure this year was planned regulation of tourist from 07/16/2013 to 31/10 / 2013: have been closed to the public two paths (in the amphitheater of the Murelle - Cima delle Murelle) whose frequentation could disturb shoals subject to levy, compromise capture operations and / or cause damage to the structures of capture.
From 01/09/2012 to 31/08/2013 were carried out 10 sessions of capture of which 6 are completed successfully. A total of 13 individuals were captured, of which 7 are transferred to PRSV, 3 to PNMS, one individual was released on site and two individuals died during capture. The capture dell'individual called F5 has achieved the goal of 7 releases on site, initially expected in Action A4 and subsequently transferred in this Action.
Were carried out a total of 48 outputs aimed at the capture of the animals. From November 2012 to mid-June 2013 (with a break from December to early April, due to heavy snowfall that damaged the traps) the capture sessions were held on Mounte Coppe, where were developed three different mechanisms of capture. In September and October 2012 and from July 2013 instead, the scenarios capture were summer pastures (pian de Abruna in 2012 and Santa Colomba and Vado di Pieverano in 2013), where are located the multitraps. Until the month of September 2013 had been captured a total of 5 animals, 3 of which were transferred to PNMS; all catches were made on Monte Coppe. Following the continuation of the actions in the subsequent period, at the date of updating of this report were captured a total of 17 chamois for which the box trap was the more efficient capture method, while Monte Coppe the best site of capture in the Park. Summarizing up the numbers of individuals caught year after year, the situation has foreseen three animals in 2011, three in 2013, six in 2013 and five captured animals in 2014. In accordance with the increasing familiarity of the chamois towards traps, the efficiency of capture is gradually increased during the course of the project life Coornata. In PNGSL the efficiency of the different methods can be evaluated with the respective number of captured animals that can be summarized as follows: Box Trap: 9 chamois, Box trap modified: 5, Chemical Immobilization: 3 Multitrap: none. Of the total number of specimens caught, six individuals were translocated (3 chamois transferred to PNMS and 3 to PRSV), while 9 animals were released, after being marked for monitoring, in the same PNGSL. 2 animals eventually died during capture (in both cases with the immobilization chemistry).
Post-levy monitoring:
During the 134 monitoring outputs carried out, were also collected data for the performance of the post-levy monitoring, as required by the specific protocol of monitoring product for this Life project. These data were used to analyze the size and composition of shoals subject to capture and their attendance areas; in particular were quantified and compared with the pre-capture fase, the parameters identified in the above protocol as suitable for any adverse effects of the levies: a. number of kid; b. reproductive index; c. survival of the kid; d. number of females; and. total number of individuals. These parameters take into account both the impact of the levy in the long term (b, c), and were then analyzed for the herd object of sampling in 2012 (Murelle Amphitheatre), both the short-term effects (a, d, e), analyzed for flocks subject to levy in 2013 ( Murelle Amphitheatre; Cima delle Murelle). Withdrawals of 2012 and 2013 did not have a negative impact on shoals for capture.
A GPS radio collar was applied to all of chamois older than two years, while the youngest were used VHF collars extensible, or simply ear tags. The 9 chamois released on site in the Park are constantly monitored to acquire better information about the possible negative effects of the capture on the behavior of the animals, as well as to increase the knowledge of the spatial patterns of the chamois in the PNGSL. Through the project Life Coornata, groups chamois were monitored regularly, individuals identified by the observations with optical instruments and each sighting was traced in a map (scale 1: 25,000) and georeferenced in ArcMap © 9.2. For each sighting were recorded size and composition (age group and sex of individuals) of the group of chamois and the main characteristics of the habitat used.
C.2 Special surveillance activities on chamois populations in the Abruzzo, Latium an Molise Nationale Park to establish the factors that negatively condition the population dynamucs, and the drawing up of a Working Plan
This action is composed of three main lines of action:
1. Catches - in summary in the period from 01/09/2012 to 31/08/2013 were captured 6 chamois, thus reaching a total of 14 individuals captured under Action C2, compared to 13 provided by the Project. Catches continued in the following period and it was thus possible to arrive at a total of 23 individuals captured. Excluding some animals died as a result of the capture operations (mortality rate: 8.6%), the total number of chamois monitored in the project was 20: 18 adults (8 males and 10 females) and two yearlings (1 male and one female).
2. Health analyzes - realized through the following lines of action:
► analysis on chamois captured: monitoring the course of the anesthesia and specific analysis on biological samples specially picked;
► necropsy: in the territory including the areal of chamois, were recovered and sottosposti necropsied and medical examination, subjects found deceased and belonging to wild ungulates and livestock.
The health analyzes, carried out under this Action, were carried out in collaboration with and with IZSAM and with UNITO, UNIMI and SEFaS as provided for in the agreements entered within the Life project. During catches were therefore carried out the samples needed for the conduct of both serological analysis (SEFaS) and copro-parasitological analysis (IZSAM, UNITO, UNIMI). To this end, by all subjects captured were taken blood samples and were collected and 238 stool samples of chamois, 142 stool samples of deer and 62 stool samples of domestic livestock, throughout the area of the chamois. The carcasses of wild, recovered in the the area of municipalities in which falls the distribution area of the chamois, were conferred all'IZSAM for health checks agreed, while the carcasses of bovines from San Donato Val di Comino were analyzed by the competent ASL.
Based on the data collected so far you want to activate a program of study by including new surveys made by groups who have long operating on these analyzes. The basic idea is to investigate the problems of the population of PNALM through a comparison with the populations of the PNM and PNGSL, used as a "control" as it does not suffer from problems relating to health.
3. Control - analyzed through the following analysis:
► overlapping food chamois-deer: made by microistological analysis of faecal samples of the two species;
► spatial overlap chamois-deer: investigated by the technique of fecal pellet group count following a protocol specifically developed;
► consistency and structure of populations of chamois and deer: investigated through the implementation of specific censuses;
► naturalistic and telemetric method: subjects made individually recognizable and equipped with radio collar were followed according to a specific monitoring program also in function to recover any deceased subjects.
It was completed the analysis activity of the diet of deer and chamois completing the collection of samples of pellet group and the microhistological analysis. Based on the operational protocol, was carried out the collection of fecal samples during field activities in the fall and winter. The consistency of the population of PNALM is, to date, estimated at over 600 individuals through recent censimenti made in the autumn 2014. Have also been made, as in past years, the observations aimed at the analysis of the structure of the population. The data collected were analyzed to quantify parameters such as the birth rate, the reproductive index, sex ratio, the index of annual increase, the survival rate at 1 year and the survival rate of yearlings. The monitoring of individuals captured was carried out in the manner prescribed and already described in detail in previous reports. The population structure showed a high percentage of stable adult females with their kids, a condition typical of this population well established. On the other side however, animals a year, and consequently the Class I, vary considerably over the years. Although with some differences, the decrease in the survival rate of the kid seems to have affected all areas since 2008, and appears to be the main factor in driving the dynamics of the population in PNALM.
The parasitological study showed that the chamois is much more infested deer or livestock, even in terms of intensity. For chamois were detected small spatial variations: only the parasites gstrointestinali showed an insignificant variation in terms of greater intensity in the Meta-Tatari which is characterized by a large overlap the greater proximity between chamois and livestock. The bronchopulmonary strongyles occurred, appear significantly higher compared to the findings of studies preceddenti, which suggests an increase in recent years of the infestation. The results seem to be consistent with the parasitological and anatomical evidence that revealed stongiliosi widespread in the lung. These clinical conditions may be related to several factors at the population level and ecological level.
The serological study reveals that no evidence of possible transmission between cattle and the population of chamois has been detected so far. In fact, out of 23 serum samples from suede, only 7 were positive for certain diseases (BVD the most frequent). On the other hand livestock is been detected as positive a wide range of diseases (particularly toxoplasmosis and BVD, followed by the other). The cattle, therefore, may represent a sort of reservoir for a number of diseases potentially hazardous to the chamois. Considering the proximity between these animals on pasture, such a situation requires continuous monitoring and attentive
It was made the drafting of the Intervention Plan provided in this action.
C.3 Activation of the Captive Breeding program for all faunistic areas
Not recognized by the EC and then eliminated from the project
C.4 Achieving Minimum Viable Population in the nuclei introduced in the Sibillini
The project was staring the end of Action at.30.12.2013 but the EC authorized the request to continue the only monitoring (control activities of the population) until the end of the project.
It was completed the release of 30 individuals, with sex ratio 1 male: 2 females (number representing the Minimum Vitale Population necessary to ensure the consolidation of this nucleus in time, in a similar way to what has already occurred in Majella and Gran Sasso), the target of the project for the PNMS. To the planned monitoring program, are associated other forms of control for the chamois such as:
- realization of the autumn (9/11/2012) an summery (7/08/2013) census ;
- use of four photo traps purchased under this Life project;
- monitoring in the summer months (June to September) of the presence and of the possible impact of the main risk factors or potentially disruptive and limiting for the neo-colony (tourist-recreational activities, livestock and interspecific competition) in the core area of the chamois . From early June until the end of August 2013, have been dedicated to this activity 22 days of field.
The data collected have allowed us to evaluate the trend of the population who, in the course of the Life Coornata project, with the release of 18 other chamois (5 males and 13 females), in addition to the previous 13 animals of the period before, with the birth of new individuals, had accumulated total of 72 individuals only 5 years after the start of the releases. The analysis of the home range of individuals with collar indicates that most of the individuals, especially females, in the first weeks after the release, gravitated still in the release area (area of Mount Bove), but repeated observations of specimens young people, including women, in new areas showed an expansion phase of the core forming new herds. For this reason, we developed a new monitoring scheme to tightly control also the areas most suitable for the species, but outside the current core area.
Finally it is important to emphasize that all the experience here in the management of the core of PNMS, have provided the basis for the structuring of operations to create the neo-colony of PRSV recently launched. For the first time in its history, even the PNMS has become "donor" of chamois for the formation of a neo-colony through the capture, in the faunistic area of Bolognola, of an adult male of four years called "Vettore" that was transferred Helicopter at the release site of Mount Sirente in the PRSV in contributing to the goals of the Action C5 riguardande the constitution of the fifth colony, as provided by the National Action Plan for the Apennine chamois.
C.5 Introduction of a first Apennine chamois nucleus into the Sirente Velino Regional Park
The control program continues, being important that any chamois translocated to the PRSV can be controlled in the months after their release.
Completed the authorization procedure in September 2012 by the competent bodies for the activities of issuance of the first nucleus of chamois, in parallel the PRSV also proceeded to activation of all the mitigation measures envisaged by the feasibility study, including the subscription (dated 25.09.2012) of a program agreement agreed with six different territorial bodies (CFS, Municipalities of Secinaro, Gagliano Aterno, Celano, Ovindoli and Rocca di Mezzo) for the establishment of a specific area of protection of chamois around the release site on Mount Sirente. Meanwhile were conducted all other preparatory operations of support, including the purchase of vehicles and equipment necessary to perform the monitoring of chamois released scheduled in the Project. In the Specific Area for the Protection of the Apennine chamois was implemented a total ban on access, for a period of one year (from 1 July 2013 to 16 August 2014) to residents, hikers and visitors to ensure the necessary conditions tranquility at the release site and surrounding areas. It was also given extensive information on the prohibition of access via information points, visitor centers and website.
The operations of capture in nature in the areas of the PNM and PNGSL for transferring the first nucleus of chamois, were started from mid-July 2013 and, to August 31, was made the entry of seven adult females. The transfer took place by helicopter Helywest Company Ltd. with which it was concluded a contracted. The specimens, all with markings earphones and radio collar GPS / GSM, were monitored immediately after the release and through radio telemetry and, where possible, by direct observation with the aid of binoculars and / or telescope, in accordance with the "Protocol for monitoring chamois released in Sirente Velino "elaborated by UNISI. After the release of the first specimens, in parallel with the radio telemetry monitoring, was intensified surveillance activities. Access to the area of protection was checked with staff of the Park, the CFS and volunteer staff also because of the strong influx of tourists in the summer time that characterizes the area of the Altopiano delle Rocche. Were also carried out information and awareness activities both in the of control by informing about the reasons of the ban, either by a specific meeting with the citizens at Rovere organized by the Park, aimed to illustrate the ongoing activities and raise awareness, both residents and visitors and hikers , on the necessity of the ban implemented to protect the animals to ensure them the necessary tranquility in the delicate phase of exploration and acclimatization in the new area.
It should be also reported the release of two young males coming from the Faunistic Area of Farindola, in PNGSL, made respectively 19.09.2013 and 24.09.2013. The two specimens, gathered there shortly after release have frequented, at first, the ridge of the Sirente at the area of Mandra Murata, while the group of females was located a short distance to the east.
More releases were made over the following months up to June 2014, for a total of 13 individuals released, subdivided as follows: 7 from nature by the PNM, 2 from faunistic area from PNGSL, 3 from nature by PNGSL and 1 from the faunistic area of the PNMS.
C.6 Special prophylaxis progams and improvement in the health management of domestic stray animals
Based on the results of specific investigations carried out on farms in the chamois area, has been achieved in all 5 Parks of the project,a program of vaccine and pesticides interventions for the animals grazing (not required by law and therefore left to the sole sensitivity breeders) to form a sort of "barrier" of animals immunized against diseases considered at greater risk of transmission to the chamois.
Beside the use of conventional drugs were made experiments with drugs belonging to medicine fitoterapica to limit the possible impact that these chemical synthesis molecules may have of invertebrate species that play an important role in the degradation of manure in pastures, in nutrient recycling and retaining organic matter and therefore the fertility of the pasture.
Public awareness and dissemination of results
D.1 Dissemination and on-line publication of project results under the Permanent Coordination Committee
Were held preliminary and organizational Meetings with a view of the first operational meetings of the Committee, set up in the sense A.2 action, aimed at developing a network of conservation activities. Were started the first contacts with the parties to be involved and, in addition to recording the interest shown by the Ministry of Environment to join the Committee, similar requests for membership were received from the State Forestry and the Lazio Region. These subjects were involved, along with all the beneficiaries of the project Life Coornata, in the activities of the Committee.
The subsequent meetings, convened in September 2012 until the end of 2014, have helped to pursue, through the drafting of the Action Plan, those institutional results that the project has set its own through the establishment of this group, the illustration of progress of the conservation activities of the project Life Coornata, the proposal for the management of wildlife areas of the Apennine chamois according to the activities of consolidation of the colony in PNMS and constitution of that in PRSV, the illustration of the progress of the new National Action Plan of the Apennine chamois. The contacts between the project partners, ISPRA and MATTM have been constant and led, as expected, the approval of the protocols and made of the feasibility study for the activation of releases PRSV. Thanks to the work done under this action, it was possible to bring to the attention of ISPRA and MATTM, the problems related to the management of suede emerged from the activities scheduled in the Life project, and share with the institutions of the methods and results of the activities. Both these actions have provided a major contribution in the drafting of the new National Action Plan for the Conservation of the subspecies
With the Action D1, is also continued updating the database created by the action A2 and, in particular, in that regard it was decided to improve the display of data in the section dedicated to the public. This section, accessible from the website of the project, has been enriched with information about the distribution area of the chamois (and its evolution over time) in the various parks, the home range of animals monitored as part of the Project, the specimens caught in the wild and in wildlife area and censuses. Access to information is through an interactive GIS system, clicking on the objects to get information.
D.2 Organization and preparation for the Press Conference to present the LIFE Project
In addition to the preparation of press conferences start and end of the project with the distribution of questionnaires provided, the action has included the publication of at least 10 press releases during the project. 16 has been actually the total number of press releases produced during the project, then higher than expected. The press releases, coordinated by LA as responsible for the communication aspects of the project, are been spread also by the press offices of all partners to increase their circulation, as well as being posted on the project website. Other press releases were processed by press offices of individual parks, widespread and relaunched by the coordination of the communication sector of the project.
D.3 Website of the Apennine Chamois with pages dedicated to Life Natura Project
It is online, as scheduled in the project, the website on the Apennine Chamois set as a portal where they can converge the experiences, activities, interests that gravitate around the world of this ungulate, giving publicity to the LIFE project and making known the EU's commitment to nature conservation through information about the Natura 2000 network and the LIFE + instrument.
At the same time it was decided the elaboration of the logo of the project, part of the coordinated institutional graphic.
D.4 A brochure describing the project for visitors to the parks involved
Action ended with the printing and distribution, at the Visitor Centers and reception facilities of the five protected areas involved in the project, of an illustrated brochure, distributed free in a total number of 12,000 copies. The brochure reports the Life and Natura 2000 network logos, plus the indication "Material realized with the contribution of the financial instrument Life of the European Commission". Showing, so divulgative but detailed, the activities of the LIFE Nature project and the reasons that made it necessary, to illustrate all the threats on the species, the importance of the establishment of new populations and the strengthening of existing ones, also indicating measures in critical areas , rules of conduct in areas of presence of chamois illustrating, finally, the instrument Life + and Natura 2000.
D.5 Production and positioning of information display panels and notice boards in the parks
Construction and installation of boards (3 for each Park involved in the project) with its related panels, focusing on the species, on the activities of the project Life and specific information related to each protected area in which they are positioned. All panels are marked with the Life and Natura 2000 network lgos plus the indication "Material realized with the contribution of the financial instrument Life of the European Commission"; the timber used for the boards is certified, in order to reduce the carbon footprint of the project.
D.6 Educational video on the Apennine Chamois
The shoot involved activities of field and have been documented the liberation of the subjects from wildlife areas, the census and births in PNMS, PNM and PNALM and the internships with external groups on mechanical methods of capture (Action A6) in the areas of project. In the period between 01/09/2012 and 31/08/2013 filming were made with two main objectives: i) documenting catches and transfers made by nature in the summer of 2013 between the PNM and the PNMS for consolidation the fourth colony, and between PNM and PRSV for the foundation of the fifth neocolony; ii) document the activities, such as meetings and meetings, interviews with technical and institutional representatives of Parks and document the activities of the technical staff involved in laboratory activities. It was also conducted research of archival images to document the activities carried out in previous Life projects on the species.
The distrubution of copies of the DVD has already begun to coincide with the final conference of the project (Action. D.9)
D.7 Creation of an educational program aimed al schools of Protected Areas Project, including an exchange of trips between classes of different countries of the parks
Realization of an educational program aimed at primary school pupils of five parks, with training sessions, distribution of educational materials-divulgative, class meetings and workshops aimed at deepening the knowledge of the species and the importance of its preservation. The action began with the development of relevant training material. Launched the contest "Camo-show - Apennine chamois on display" for the involvement of elementary school classes in the areas of interest of the five protected areas.
Have joined the classes from schools belonging to all 5 protected areas involved in the project. In particular, the municipalities of origin of the classes were: Island Gran Sasso (TE), Castiglione (TE), Celano (AQ), Guardiagrele (CH), Palena (CH), Lama Peligni (CH), Pescasseroli (AQ) , Opi (AQ), Barrea (AQ), Barrea (AQ), Fiastra (MC), Montefortino (FM), Visso (MC).
The action continued with the trips of interchange between schools of the Parks made at the end of the school year 2012/2013, which have also provided guided tours to faunistic areas, training meetings and / or workshops aimed to further deepen the knowledge of species and the importance of its protection. All participating classes still have the opportunity to stay in touch and exchange experiences with each other through a special section dedicated to the schools created the website project that, among other things, also shows all the jobs of the schools involved. It was also made an analysis of 523 questionnaires (258 acquired at the beginning of the action and 265 distributed and collected at the end of the activities related to the educational program and travel interchange planned) which confirmed that the material educational and divulgative product and related educational experiences prepared, have had a positive effect not only on the knowledge of the species but also on the awareness of the importance of measures to protect the species that the parks, with the support of the European Commission, have put in place with the objective of improving the conservation status of the overall biodiversity of the Apennines.
D.8 Implementation of a program to rise awareness of the owners and operators of livestock for the Sirente Velino Regional Park, and for other new expansion areas
Action to raise awareness of the owners and managers of livestock, with particular reference to possible health problems, through meetings organized in different locations of the parks. The action has included meetings at some locations of the project partners and Municipalities of interest, and has been continued by the staff of all the parks during the course of visits to the farms, aimed at the administration of the treatments and the collection of samples for copro-parasitological analyzes (Action C6).
D.9 Final meeting of the Project (International Workshop about priority subspecies of Rupicapra)
The action took place with the realization of the planned final Scientific Congress held in Lama Peligni, in Majella National Park, 17 to 20 June 2014. The event has been able also to boast excellent attendance: more than 200 participants and scholars from 11 European countries, as well as Georgia and Turkey. The event had also an appendix, the conference sponsored by Legambiente "On the trail of the chamois. A good conservation practice to promote good practices of ecotourism ".
D.10 Layman's report
It was produced the elaborate planned by the project
D.11 Organizing a Press tour for journalist
The action took place by organizing the planned press tour, which was attended by 10 journalists in rappresetnatnza major newspapers radio and television, newspapers, magazines, news agencies and web magazine. The press tour was held so as to be partly concurrent with the Final Scientific Meeting (Action D9), in order to enable journalists to follow even some of the most interesting sessions of the conference.
D.12 Periodic Newsletter of the project
Sending regular newsletters to update on the project and the developed activities to a mailing list of 545 selected email addresses.
Were sent on May 16, 2011, September 26, 2011, June 11, 2012, October 1, 2012, January 10, 2013, May 24, 2013, October 28, 2013, February 11, 2014, March 21, 2014, May 30, 2014 and 26 September 2014. It 'been so greatly exceeded the minimum number of newsletters provided by project.