Action A.3


Definition of the assessment procedures for the suitability of the specimen selection of the nuclei

Preparatory actions to carry out action C.1 (coordinated activities to create new nuclei) where a technical paper will be produced individuating the criteria to be met in selecting the most suitable specimens to be captured and then introduced into the Monti Sibillini National Park (action C.4) and in the Sirente Velino Regional Park (action C.5). The guidelines will establish the reference parameters, such as, sex and age group (to typify the individuals to be used), and the minimum numbers, herd demographics and trends in the different phases of their biological cycle (to check specimen sustainability in different nuclei). The procedures carried out in this action will be used only on new nuclei native to the Majella National Park and the Gran Sasso and Monti della Laga National Park, used to create new colonies, but will also be used in the future for the Abruzzo, Latium and Molise National Park.